Wednesday, July 14, 2010

...from farm work to school work...

Second cut is done. The fence is fixed -somebody caught the rake on the fence and took out quite a sizable bit... (that somebody wasn't me!) and I have at least 2 days off, maybe 4! Don't get me wrong here. I love working on the farm. Its amazing and I learn so much, but I haven't had a decent night's sleep for a WEEK! and I'm tired.

'out of the frying-pan and into the fire' ...from farm work to school work... Chemistry, English, French, Dutch(for my Holland trip) and an online course will keep me very busy for the remaining weeks of summer. My goal is to get far enough ahead is those subjects so that when I go to Manitoba in the fall and Holland in the winter I won't fall too far behind.

My goals for tomorrow are to write a Chemistry test and an English test and to finish 2 assignment for English. I also want to sign up for the online course and work on some French. Will that actually happen? I really don't know. It is possible... I think!

On the weekend I'll be getting a puppy. His name is Chester and he will be 8 weeks old on Friday. He is a purebred Border Collie and very cute. Mom and Dad are also getting a puppy this weekend. Their puppy's name is Shaggy (at least that's what he's called now). He is a Border Collie/Lab cross and is also 8 weeks old.

Thanks to all you who have left comments or emailed me... I enjoy hearing from you!

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