Friday, July 23, 2010

...Enter Puppy Number 2!

-Meet Rex! He is a Border Collie/Lab cross. He's a week younger than Chester, which makes him 8 weeks old today. He's very playful and loves to have attention. Both puppies get along very well, which is nice for all involved ;-)


Terell said...

O Gosh! He's sooooo cute I love him! That's good they get alone with each other it would have been awful if they hadn't.

Lydia said...

Hey Terell,

I'm sooooo glad you came to my blog!!! We should get together yet sometime this summer...


Terell said...

That would be awesome! Not sure when though cause like you I have a crazy busy summer, and will be leaving on vacation till the end of August on the 14th. But maybe we could after that.

Lydia said...

and I'm leaving for manitoba at the beginning of September... and then I'll be back for like 4 weeks in Novemeber before I go off to Holland...

Terell said...

What are you doing this sunday. I'm having my b-day part 2-9. I'd love for you to come! It's just a few of my friends the Candy's will be there too. If you can come I'll email you directions

Lydia said...

well we have church at 2:30 and I'm working in the evening... so that won't really work. btw Happy Birthday!

I could drop by some evening...

Terell said...

Sure that would be fun. Or maybe we could meet up in CP sometime to watch a movie, cause that might be closer for you. I live in Lanark or 10min out of Lanark.

Lydia said...

you have my email address right? if you email me your address I can figure out how far away you live... I think its about an hour.

Terell said...

I sent it. Let me know if you get it, and if not maybe I have the wrong email or something, and you could email me and I'll reply to that....Do you have my email?

Lydia said...

Yep I have your email and I sent you something. cuz I never got anything...

Terell said...

Good I tried to reply back. If you don't get it let me know and I'll try the other address you sent me.