Thursday, August 5, 2010

School plans... ugh!

Well, I guess its that time of year again. Mom's been working out our assignment lists and boy do they ever look impressive. I'll post mine here and link to Mom's blog so that you can read my sibling's lists.

Here's mine: (the asterisks stand for credits earned when completed)

Bible and Worldview
*(Hebrews to Revelation)
Church history review
Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Universe Next Door, Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave, The Deadliest Monster, Postmodern Times and parts of Beyond Opinion
Reformed faith classes

*BJUP British Literature
The Roar on the Other Side by Suzanne Rhodes (poetry)
Classics to accompany history (1500 to present), with reports
Two science biographies or other science books, with in-depth reports
Wordsmith Craftsman, partially
*Rod and Staff Building Christian English 9/10
Elements of Style

Finish New Additional Math from Singapore
*Calculus and/or statistics (university texts and ALEKS)
University of Waterloo Math competition and preparation
Corporate accounting (ALEKS)

*Advanced Chemistry (Apologia and ALEKS)
*Advanced Physics (Apologia)
*Anatomy and Physiology of Large Animals (yes, this is a vet course, but she really wanted to do this for advanced biology. She will need to learn background material as well. I think I’ll grade it by having her do a report or a hands-on project for each chapter. She has at least two job shadowing days planned with vets, so that will help. If this becomes too challenging, we will change our plans.)

*Second half of Spielvogel’s The Human Odyssey, including map work
Read relevant Truth Quest guides and do the assignments
Read and report on classic literature from the time period
Two essays
Time line work

*Finish BJUP French 2,
*French Three Years from AMSCO
Rosetta Stone Levels 2 and 3
Various readings
Speak with co-workers

Finish Rosetta Stone level 2
Visit the Netherlands
Read novels and nonfiction
*Finish Hugo’s Dutch in Three Months and then begin Taking Dutch Further (if I can get a copy) or some other intermediate level grammar book.

Finish Elementary Greek 2, an unfinished commitment from the past(1/2 credit)

The Arts
Music: organ as well as flute, guitar, or fife
Picture Study

Physical Activity
Judo: work on brown belt

Work on dairy farm, full time September and October, part time for the rest of the year
Trip to Netherlands, December
Gary North’s Study Habits (free download at
Prep and write SAT
Apply to universities and scholarships (This means I need to get transcripts and reports finished!!)
Puppy training

How will I ever finish that in six months? - most of the first term will be spent in Manitoba and the Netherlands-so really I feel overwhelmed already!!!

Anyways, you can read about the rest of the family's school plans here.