Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Manitoba: Day 6

A la glorieuse memoire
des aviateurs, marins, et soldats
des armiees francaises et alliees
qui se sacrifierent
dans la
bataille de Dunkirque.
Mai/Juin 1940
Dunkirk Memorial

I'm currently working on an essay for History. I've chosen to do it about the battle and evacuation of Dunkirk. While browsing through websites, online books and the books on my Aunt's bookshelf (in Dutch!) I've come across some very interesting things. One of the most intriguing is the picture below.
In this picture, the soldier to the far right is supposedly firing at German aircraft. However, aside from his fellow soldier to the left, he appears to be alone on the beach, and no aircraft are visible. This picture gives me the feeling that I'm right there next to the soldier on the left and that although not visible in the picture, I feel the Germans are playing a cat and mouse game with the Allied soldiers.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong.... Either way this picture is going on my title page. ;-)

Friday, September 3, 2010

In Manitoba: Day 1

Yesterday my cousin and I flew into Winnipeg airport. A couple hours later we were at his house. By bedtime last night I was unpacked and all settled into my room. All the gifts I brought were received enthusiastically. And now I will try my best to keep you all updated as to what is happening out here, and I'll even try to get some pics on here occasionally.